About Cats Ragdoll

About Cats Ragdoll - How to care for the cat properly, This article is titled About Cats Ragdoll, Let's refer to this article in detail.

Article : About Cats Ragdoll
Article title : About Cats Ragdoll

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About Cats Ragdoll

If talking about the type of Ragdoll cat, I remember singing of maroon 5. But never mind the better we talk about Turkish Van cat er I mean the kind of ragdoll cat. From the start of its history up to his trademark. Please refer to and not to drool.

According to a note, ragdoll The story begins in 1963. That is an Ann Baker who often borrowed from his neighbors cat named Blackie (parent had white Persian cat) and also his Daddy Warbucks but different fathers. Ann then crossed and produce a new race called the ragdoll. Until then he set up a special organization for ragdoll lovers.

Although the time is not recognized type of cat pure, but eventually all cats organizations now admit.

Have four types of colors: seal, blue, chocolate and, lilac
Having a great body and weight. The female cat (5-7.5 kg) and tomcat (6-10 Kg)
Chest width
has a large pelvis
Medium length fur and texture is similar to a rabbit
By the time the kitten, ragdoll born with a new white color then the other colors appear.
Being an adult cat at the age of approximately 3 years
Ragdoll cat species are very familiar with humans. So do not worry he will not tame the ragdoll cat anda. very familiar with humans. So do not worry he will not be benign to you.

Such is the article About Cats Ragdoll

So many articles About Cats Ragdoll, Hopefully can benefit for you all. OK, A few articles for this time.

You are reading the article About Cats Ragdoll And this article url permalink is https://how-to-care-for-cats.blogspot.com/2016/03/about-cats-ragdoll.html Hopefully article This can be useful.

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