Stopping The Destructive Behavior Digging

Stopping The Destructive Behavior Digging - How to care for the cat properly, This article is titled Stopping The Destructive Behavior Digging, Let's refer to this article in detail.

Article : Stopping The Destructive Behavior Digging
Article title : Stopping The Destructive Behavior Digging

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Stopping The Destructive Behavior Digging

The behavior of dogs that like to dig could harm to the surrounding environment. They can damage the garden, lawn or landscape in and dig scars resulting dirt. So you have to clean up the grass or soil excavated. This way prevents damaging behavior digging dogs:

1. If a dog digging a hole to bury something or just for the pleasure of digging, give him the area where he can explore freely. Protect the rest of your yard by spraying a special spray around the areas you want to protect.

2. If a dog digging to attract the opposite sex, mengkebiri male dog can be a solution.

3. Distract with other objects when the dogs have started to be dug. Be able to give it a toy dog.

4. Train the dog to stop digging by providing a growl or loud scream, so the dog will soon realize if you do not like the behavior. Show me dislike you, when the dog started digging holes in the garden or lawn. You are also allowed to hit as long as it is not too hurt the dog, and only as a warning if the behavior has gone too far.

5. You can use sprinklers to stop a dog from digging. Atasu pairs of sprinklers motion is detected, the tool could be all for watering lawns.

6. Spray pepper or pepper in the excavation area. The dog will not stand the smell that stung, would be prevented to dig.

7. If some of the tips above does not work to prevent or stop a dog digging, limit the excavation area by a fence or a heavy ornamental rock.

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